To access System Info, open EPM Pulse Settings clicking the Gear button, and select System Info:
On the System Info page you will find all information about the current EPM Pulse such as System Info, Company logo, and License Info.

1. System Info section presents information about the version of EPM Pulse that is currently used. For more information on the latest versions please refer to the Release Notes article.
2. In the Company logo section, you can upload your company’s logo. For that click on the Upload Image button and choose an image. Allow the system a few seconds to update the logo. In case you want the EPM Pulse default logo to be shown, click on the Use Default button, and the logo will be changed immediately.
3. License Type section represents license that is currently used on EPM Pulse. There are 3 license types, that you can use: Trial, Per User, Unlimited. Please find more detailed information on licensing types in this article.
4. Valid until section shows the license expiration date.
5. Users section shows the number of users that are allowed by the license (first number) and number of users that are added to EPM Pulse (second number in brackets).
Please note: In case you overrun license limits, EPM Pulse will continue functioning, but with a notification about license violation. To remove notifications unassign some users or groups to meet the license limits. Please note that licenses will not be released immediately and you may see license violation notifications for up to 24 hours after the removal of excessive users.
6. Connections section shows the list of data connections that exist for your EPM Pulse: PWA URL (Connection Name).
7. Enable Intercom Chat setting is also available on the System Info page. You can choose whom our live chat would be available for.
Please note: This setting is only visible to users with Admin privileges in EPM Pulse.