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Issues, Risks and Deliverable Widgets

Trending package contains 2 widgets of each type for Issues, Risks and Deliverables. One of them has a regular name like “Issues Daily Field Changes”, but the second one has a “(Custom Fields)” part in their name.

The difference between these widgets is that the regular ones work only with out-of-the-box project server fields and allow selecting these fields from the dropdown list. But “Custom Fields” widgets also work with custom fields of these entities (the ones that are regularly accessible from SharePoint only). “Custom Fields” widgets are not provided with the field lists and you have to type field names manually.

To get correct names to enter in the “Custom Fields” widgets use the following rules:

  • Out-of-the-box fields have the same names as you see them in the regular widgets, but without spaces between words, for example, the “Category Value” field should be written as “CategoryValue”.
  • Custom field names are the same as the names in the OData SharePoint feeds. In order to get these names, you can use the OData Eplorer widget or Web Part from SharePoint Widget Pack.

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