When using FluentBooks for data upload the following error message appears:

The terms of using FluentBooks subscription define, that the target PWA URLs and UIDs need to be added to the license. In case the PWA URL is not added to the license, FluentBooks will show an error Target site is not allowed by license and upload will fail.
1. If you have a full paid license for FluentBooks, you can add PWAs to your license in FluentBooks directly.
Please refer to the following article for detailed steps on how to do that -
How to add PWAs to FluentBooks license
2. If you are using the trial or complimentary license, submit a request for adding the PWA URL and its UID with the letter to or
In your request please specify the following information:
- Company Name
- PWA URL and UID. Please refer to the How to get PWA UID article.
Please note: Existing clients can check the status of their license anytime by navigating by the following link - Fill in the 'Name, 'Company Name' and 'Email' fields with the details from your license file and click the 'Check' button.