The next step is to download the Projects and Project Plan Templates from the source PWA using the "Download Projects to FPP files" wizard.
Please note: Windows session is required to be active at all times when the “Download Projects to FPP files” wizard is running.
1. Select the Import option from the File menu and then the ‘Download Projects to FPP files’ wizard.
2. Specify the source PWA URL, login credentials, and the Output folder where the project files will be saved.
Click Next to start loading the Projects list.
Advanced Settings – these settings are optional, and allow to specify the path to WINPROJ.EXE file for MS Project 2010 and MS Project 2013 in order to speed up the start of MS Project Professional.
If the path is not specified, FluentBooks will search for the corresponding file and start MS Project Professional, but it might take longer.

3. Select the Projects and Project Plan Templates to be downloaded and click Next to start downloading Projects data.
Please note: 'Type' column defines whether the Project or Template is displayed in the list.
Also, it is possible to select the project by a certain Project Center view. For this purpose, click the Select by View option. The Project Center views will be loaded and will become available for selection.
By selecting a certain view, only the projects from the specified view will be bulk selected for download.
When you are ready with the selection, click Next to proceed.
FluentBooks will request to start Project Professional which is required for Projects data download, click Yes in the dialog window to confirm the start.
Allow the wizard some time to download Projects data.
Log option allows viewing the log records in real-time during the download process.

4) Download Summary displayed after the import process is finished will show the Source PWA Projects that were imported into FPP files located in the Output folder.
Click Finish to close the wizard.
As Projects and Project Plan Templates were downloaded, the next step is to Download SharePoint Sites