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Project Online -> Project for the web migration supported entities

In this article, we will review Project Online -> Project for the Web migration supported entities. 

Please note: All information in this article also applies to the Project Online -> Planner (premium plans) migration scenario. 

Supported Entities

Source System Entities



Project Online projects


Project Online Master projects and Subprojects


+ -

Master projects and subprojects are supported for migration, but they are migrated as separate projects

Project Templates


Project templates are migrated as projects

Project Online tasks


Task field values


Please refer to the list of supported task fields below

Project Online Custom Fields


Source Custom Fields can be mapped with the compatible default target fields. The migration to the target custom fields or their creation is also supported.

Task hierarchy and dependencies





Users themselves are not migrated but mapped with the target users. Necessary users should already exist in the target tenant.

Project Online task resource assignments


Mapped resources assigned to tasks in the source Project will be added:

  1. As members to the corresponding target Project, Project Team
  2. Microsoft 365 group, if a source user assigned to a project task is mapped with a target user that is an AD user.
  3. Dynamics bookable resources
  4. Local resources are migrated only as local resources in the project assignments, and they are not added as bookable resources or to the target group.

Project team members, Project Owners


All source Project team members are added to the target Microsoft 365 group if they are mapped with the target AD users. The user that is a Project Owner is added as a member to the target group if it is mapped to a target AD user.


Supported Task Fields

Source Task Field


Target Task Field


Task Name (Title)


Task Name (Title)




Start date



Finish date



Finish date is calculated for the target tasks as Start Date + Duration

% Complete


% Complete




Remaining Work


Effort remaining

Actual Work


Effort completed

Effort completed is calculated for the target tasks Work - Remaining Work








Task dependencies


Dependent on, Dependent after


Task custom fields of Number type
+ Priority

Task custom fields of Text type + Priority 
Source field values to Labels can be migrated if the Custom Fields and Attachments token is provided for the Project for the Web connection.

Source default and Custom Fields 


Default fields 

Project Online default and custom fields of the Task type are available for mapping with the default target fields. The migration to the target custom fields or their creation is also supported.

Lookup Values Custom Fields + Labels Source field values to Labels can be migrated if the Custom Fields and Attachments token is provided for the Project for the Web connection.


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