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Project for the web -> Dynamics Project Operations migration scenario

In this article, we will review the Project for the web -> Dynamics Project Operations migration scenario. 

General overview and migration steps

The Project for the web -> Dynamics Project Operations migration scenario is supported by Project Migrator as a part of the Project for the web -> Project for the web migration scenario. 

There are four main steps you need to perform to launch the migration process: 

Step1: Open the Project for the web -> Project for the web migration scenario and connect to source and target systems. On this step, you need to establish a connection between the source Project for the web environment and the target Dynamics Project Operations environment (provide the Dynamics Project Operations URL instead of the Project for the web URL). 

Step 2: Select source data. Project Migrator allows selecting all data at once or only the needed items. 

Step 3. Object mapping. Project Migrator provides a user-friendly, built-in data mapping interface, where you can review what data from Project for the web environment goes to which fields in the target environment. 

Step 4: Launch the migration process.

All these steps are described in detail in the Project for the web -> Project for the web scenario migration steps article. 

General limitations

Project limitations



Maximum total tasks for a project


Maximum total duration for a project

3650 days (10 years)

Maximum total resources for a project


Maximum total links (successor only) for a project


Maximum total custom fields for a project


 Task limitations



Maximum hierarchy level

10 levels

Maximum links (successor + predecessor)


Maximum duration of leaf task

1250 days

Maximum duration of a summary task

3650 days (10 years)

Maximum resources assigned to a task

20 resources

Supported date range for a task

1/1/2000 - 12/31/2149

Maximum total tasks for a project is 500: if there are more than 500 tasks in a project only 500 will be migrated, and others will be skipped.

If task notes have >4000 characters only the first 4000 will be migrated to Notes, and other characters will be trimmed.  

Same Bucket names: all tasks from such buckets will be migrated to 1 bucket, other buckets with the same name will be created but will be empty.

New Bucket creation in the existing projects (re-migration): If the connection is created without a token, then due to the DPO trait it is not possible to create new buckets in the existing projects, all tasks from new buckets will be created in any existing one. If the connection is created with the token, new buckets will be created.

Assignments Migration

Users themselves are not migrated from the source to the target tenant. Necessary users, whose task assignments need to be migrated, should already exist in the target tenant. The source users should be mapped with the target users in the User Mapping section for the correct assignment migration. Source and target users with different Display Names and accounts can be mapped, it is not required for them to fully match.

Task user assignments will be migrated if the source users are mapped to the corresponding target users. Mapped users, assigned to tasks, will be added:

  • as members of the corresponding target Project, Project Team.
  • as members of the target Microsoft 365 group (only if the source user assigned to project the task is mapped with the target user that is an Office 365 user).
  • Dynamics bookable resource.

Maximum of 20 users can be assigned to one task in a Project. If there are already any users assigned to an existing task in the target Project, that is updated during the migration, user assignments from the source item will be added to the task for up to 20 users in total. Other source user assignments to that task will be skipped. 

Task Migration

  1. Due to DPO trait tasks with progress but without efforts will be migrated without any progress (0% will be set)
  2. Source labels will not be migrated as Dynamics Project Operations does not support them

Attachments Migration

If the Custom Fields and Attachments token is not provided: 

  1. All attachments will be added as links to the task Notes.
  2. All file attachments from the source task will be migrated and added to the task folder on the group SharePoint site in the target tenant.

If the Custom Fields and Attachments token is provided: 

  1. All file attachments from the source task will be migrated and added to the task folder on the group SharePoint site in the target tenant.

All file attachments from the source task will be migrated and added to the task folder on the group SharePoint site in the target tenant. File and SharePoint attachments will be downloaded from the source site and uploaded to the corresponding target group site if the attachments are stored in the Shared Documents (‘Documents’) folder on the source SharePoint site of the group where the migrated project belongs to. Otherwise, the file or SharePoint attachment will not be migrated to the target group site, but the link to such an attachment in the source tenant will be added to a task note in the target Project.

Projects without O365 group

There are Projects without the Office 365 group in Project for the web. In this case a project will be created without the O365 group in the target environment.

In case the Project is without Office 365 group and has just assigned resources, it should be mapped to the corresponding target resource

Microsoft 365 Group and Project Creation

If the migration is performed to an existing Microsoft 365 group(s), the Project connection account should be a member or an owner of that group.

The target Project connection account should be an owner and a member of an existing Private Microsoft 365 group to be able to add members to it during the migration (in case the account is not Global Admin in the target tenant).

Source Microsoft 365 groups can be migrated only for the selected Projects and using ‘Create groups with source group names and settings’ group creation mode. Using another group creation mode, target groups will be created or updated during the migration without preserving the source group settings.

Microsoft 365 group Privacy setting is migrated if the ‘Create groups with source group names and settings’ group creation mode is selected and a target group(s) is created during the migration.

Microsoft 365 group settings are migrated if the ‘Create groups with source group names and settings’ group creation mode is selected and a target group(s) is created during the migration. The source group mail nickname will be preserved as well. The settings and mail nicknames of an existing target group will not be changed. In case another group creation mode is selected, source Microsoft 365 group settings and mail nickname will not be migrated.

If new Microsoft 365 groups are created during the migration, the target Project migration account will be set as the group owner and member.

All source group owners can be migrated to the target group if the Migrate all source group members and owners’ option is selected for the migration, and the corresponding users are mapped. If not selected, ownership of a created group will be set to the target Project migration account used for creating the group(s) and Projects. Other source group owners will not be set for the target group.

All source group members can be migrated to the target group if the Migrate all source group members and owners’ option are selected for the migration, and the corresponding users are mapped. If not selected, only mapped users that are assigned to tasks in the migrated project(s) will be added as members to the corresponding Microsoft 365 group in the target tenant.

Maximum 250 Microsoft 365 groups can be created with a non-admin user account in the Microsoft 365 tenant. Only that number of groups will be created during the migration that will fit the limit of total 250 groups together with the existing groups previously created by that user.

If ‘Create groups using Projects names’ or ‘Create groups with source group names and settings’ and ‘Create new or merge with existing Projects’ migration settings are selected, and there are existing Projects and groups in the target Project that have the same names as the migrated ones, new Projects will not be created, but their data will be merged to the existing Projects with the matching names. If ‘Create all Projects in one group’ and ‘Create new or merge with existing Projects’ migration settings are selected, and there are existing Projects in the specified Microsoft 365 group that have the same names as the migrated ones, the data from such projects will be merged to the existing Projects with the matching names.

If the ‘Create new and remove existing Projects before creating’ migration setting is selected, and there are existing Projects with names that match the selected source project names in the target Project for the web, such target projects will be removed together with all their tasks before creating new Projects with the same names.

If you are migrating within the same Tenant and select the ‘Create groups using source group names and settings’ M365 Group Creation mode, the same groups will not be duplicated, re-created or updated, Projects will be created in the existing groups.

Migration supported entities

System entities






Project Buckets



Project Tasks



Project field values


Please refer to the list of supported task fields below



Users are not migrated but mapped with the target users. Necessary users should already exist in the target tenant.

Project task user assignments


Mapped users, assigned to tasks in the source Project, will be added:

As members to the corresponding target Project, Project Team

Microsoft 365 group

Dynamics bookable resource

Microsoft 365 groups



Microsoft 365 group members



Microsoft 365 group owners



Microsoft 365 group Privacy



Microsoft 365 group settings



Supported Task Fields

Task field



Task Name



Bucket Name






Start Date



Finish Date



% Complete


Due to DPO trait tasks with progress but without efforts will be migrated without any progress (0% will be set)








 If the Custom Fields and Attachments token is not provided: 

  1. All attachments will be added as links to the task Notes.
  2. All file attachments from the source task will be migrated and added to the task folder on the group SharePoint site in the target tenant.

If the Custom Fields and Attachments token is provided: 

  1. All file attachments from the source task will be migrated and added to the task folder on the group SharePoint site in the target tenant.










Outline Number





Source labels will not be migrated as Dynamics Project Operations does not support them




Custom fields


Use token for the custom fields


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