In this article, we will review connection account requirements for the Project for the web -> MS Planner migration scenario.
Please note: All information in the article below also applies to Planner (premium plans) -> MS Planner, Planner (premium plans) -> Planner (basic plans), and Project for the web -> Planner (basic plans) migration scenarios.
Project for the web account or Planner (premium plans) account
The connection account for migration from Project for the web (source) should meet the following requirements:
1. The account should be a member/a user of the tenant and the Power Platform Environment where Project for the web is deployed.
2. The account should have any of the following licenses assigned:
- Project Plan P1.
- Project Plan P3 (previously called Project Online Professional).
- Project Plan P5 (previously called Project Online Premium).
Any of the following licenses is enough for read-only access to the source Project for the web data:
- Microsoft 365 F3 and Office 365 F3
- Office 365 E1
- Microsoft 365 for business
- Microsoft E3 and Office 365 E3
- Microsoft E5 and Office 365 E5
- Microsoft Power Automate
Please note: for migration from Project for the web, licenses that provide read-only access do NOT allow downloading custom fields.
The account should have Read-Write or Non-interactive Access Mode to the Power Platform Environment enabled. Also, the account should have a security role in the Environment that allows reading all or personal Project for the web data (e.g. System Administrator, Basic User).
Create a Read-Write user account
By default, all licensed users are created with an access mode of Read-Write. This access mode provides full access rights to the user based on the security privileges that are assigned.
How to update the access mode of a user
- In the Power Platform Admin center, select an environment and go to Settings > Users + permissions > Users.
- Select a user's full name.
- In the user form, scroll down under Administration to the Client Access License (CAL) Information section. In the Access Mode list, select Read-Write.
- Select the Save icon.
How to manage User Roles
- In the Power Platform Admin center, select an environment, and go to Settings > Users + permissions > Users.
- Select a user's full name.
- Select MANAGE ROLES, select a role you would like to apply (System Administrator, Service Writer, or a custom role with Read, Create and Write permissions enabled).
- Click OK.
The account should be a member of all projects in Project for the web (their Microsoft 365 groups) that need to be migrated. In case there are projects without associated groups, the account should be their creator to be able to migrate them.
The following API permissions are required:
For the source Project for the web account:
- Microsoft Graph: User.ReadBasic.All
- Microsoft Graph: Group.Read.All
- Microsoft Grap: Directory.Read.All
- Microsoft Graph: offline_access
- Dataverse (Common Data Service): user_impersonation
Project Migrator will have the following permissions for reading data from Project for the web:
- Read data in the organization's directory, such as users, groups, all users' basic profiles.
- Read data from existing Microsoft 365 groups such as basic information, email addresses, membership, ownership.
- Read data from existing Projects that the connection account has access to in Project for the web.
- Maintain access to data you have given it access to.
- Access Common Data Service as organization users.
MS Planner account or Planner (basic plans) account
The connection account for migration to Planner (target account) should meet the following requirements:
- The account should have access to all necessary existing Microsoft 365 groups, Planner Plans, and users.
- If the migration is performed to existing Microsoft 365 groups and Plans, the account should be added as a member or an owner to those groups. The account should be a member and an owner of the existing target Private groups.
- The target Planner migration account should have an Exchange Online license to be able to add task Comments (if the source Plan tasks have Comments to migrate).
In order to connect to Microsoft Planner for the first time, tenant Global Administrator consent is required to allow Project Migrator to access your Microsoft 365 tenant.
Admin consent should be granted only once before adding the first Planner connection account. Once the consent is granted, any user account credentials without admin permissions can be used for connecting to Planner.
Project Migrator application for Planner migrations will be added to Microsoft 365 tenant. For Project Migrator to transfer data using Microsoft Graph API, the administrator must grant the app the correct permissions via a consent process.
The following Microsoft Graph API permissions are required:
For the target Planner migration account:
- Group.ReadWrite.All
- Directory.Read.All
- Sites.ReadWrite.All
- User.ReadBasic.All
Project Migrator will have the following permissions for data migration to Microsoft Planner:
- Read permissions as required for the source migration account
- Create new Microsoft 365 groups (Write permissions)
- Create new and update existing Plans in Microsoft Planner (Write permissions)
- Read and update sites of Microsoft 365 groups, linked to Planner Plans (Write permissions, required for attachments migration).