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Common errors and warnings (Planner -> Monday.com)

In this article, we will review common errors and warnings for Planner -> Monday.com and Planner (basic plans) -> Monday.com migration scenarios.

Invalid mapping for Name field

Error: Invalid mapping for Name field.

Cause: The error may occur on creating the target Plan tasks in case the Title task field has been mapped to a source text field different from the Name/Title field, and that field has no value in the source task(s). Consequently, the tasks could not be created with the empty Title.

Possible solution: 

1. Select to restart the migration in Project Migrator.

2. Check which source field has been mapped with the Title task field in the Card Field Mapping section on the Restart Migration page. Change the mapped source field to the Title (text) field. In case another field needs to be mapped as the Task Title, make sure that the field is populated with values in all the cards in the source Board(s). 

3. Proceed with restarting the migration.

If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact our Support Team at support@fluentpro.com or via the live chat option.


Error: WorkspaceNotExistsOrUnauthorized: User is unauthorized to create a board in the workspace.

Cause: The error may occur if Plans are being migrated to the existing workspace and the target migration account is not a member of that workspace and has no permissions to create Boards there.

Possible solutions:

1. Select to migrate the Plans/Boards to new workspaces in the Migration Settings.

2. Use the API token of another target account that is a workspace member.

3. Add the current target migration account as a member to the Workspace. 

If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact our Support Team at support@fluentpro.com or via the live chat option.

Unable to add user User Name: UserUnauthorizedException: User unauthorized to perform action

Error: Unable to add user User Name:UserUnauthorizedException: User unauthorized to perform action.

Cause: The error may occur if Plans are being migrated to the existing workspace and Boards that already have a necessary set of columns, and the target migration account either is not a member or an owner of those Boards or is a Board member but has no permissions to update/edit the Boards.

Possible solution:

1. Migrate the Plans to new or different workspaces to create new Boards.

2. Add the current target account to the existing Board(s) as a member or an owner with permission to edit the Board(s).

3. Use the API token of another target account that is either a Board owner or a Board member with permissions to edit the Board(s).

If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact our Support Team at support@fluentpro.com or via the live chat option.

Unable to add user: Unable to complete request http://api.monday.com/v2/: 500 Internal Server Error

Error: Unable to add user: Unable to complete request http://api.monday.com/v2/: 500 Internal Server Error.

Cause: The error occurs when a target user has not been added as an owner to the target Board since the user that is a source group owner has been mapped to a target user with the Viewer role in the User Mapping section before launching the migration. Users with the Viewer role cannot be set as Board Owners in Monday.com.

Possible Solution 1:

1. Change the role of the necessary target user to Member or Admin in Monday.com. 

2. In Project Migrator select to restart the uncompleted migration on the Data Migration Summary page.

3. Make sure that the users are mapped correctly in the User Mapping section. Proceed with restarting the uncompleted migration. 

Possible Solution 2:

1. In Project Migrator select to restart the uncompleted migration on the Data Migration Summary page.

2. In the User Mapping section map the source group owner user with another user that has the Member or the Viewer role in Monday.com.

3. Restart the uncompleted migration.

Unable to set column values for item <Task Name>: UserUnauthorizedException

Error:Unable to set column values for item <Task Name>: UserUnauthorizedException: User unauthorized to perform action.

Cause: The error indicates that the target migration account has no permissions to update column values in a certain column (the column permission is set to the ‘Restrict column edit’ and the account is not a Board Owner) in the already existing Board during the migration. 

Possible Solution:

1. Change the column permissions in the target Board to allow its editing for Board Members.

2. In Project Migrator select to restart the uncompleted migration.

Unable to update task fields: The attempted changes conflicted with already accepted changes.

Error: Unable to update task fields: The attempted changes conflicted with already accepted changes. Read the latest state and resolve differences.

Error: Unable to assign users: The attempted changes conflicted with already accepted changes. Read the latest state and resolve differences.
The error may occur when there are items/tasks with the same names within one group/Bucket in the source project, and they have different field values set that may conflict during the migration.

Currently, items are differentiated by name within one group/Bucket in the source and target projects during the migration. Now, the items with the same names within one group/Bucket, that are migrated, are merged in the target project, and their field values are attempted to merge in one task as well. When the source field values are different for similar items, the conflict may occur that they could not be overwritten in the target item.

The errors ‘Unable to update task fields…’ and ‘Unable to assign users…’ indicate that the field values of the first migrated task have been set in the target item, but the field values of other tasks with the same name have not been set in the target project, overwriting the initial values.
Possible solution: 

1. Check if there are items with the same names within a group/Bucket in the source project. 

2. Change the item names a bit (e.g., add a dot to the end), or move the items with the same name to different groups/buckets in the source project, if possible.

3. Restart the migration in Project Migrator, removing the existing migrated Board(s) in the target system before launching the migration to create the target Board(s) and items from scratch.
If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact our Support Team at support@fluentpro.com or via the live chat option. 

Unable to add user Username (user account): cannot add guest user.

Warning: Unable to add user Username (user account): cannot add guest user.
Cause: That warning indicates that a user has not been added as a Board member and\or an owner since the source user has been mapped to the corresponding target user with the Guest role in the User Mapping section before launching the migration. Target Guest users cannot be added to the Members and Owners in the Main and Private Boards in Monday.com.

Warning: Guest user Username (user account) cannot be added to Assignments/Created By/Completed By.

Cause: That warning indicates that user’s task assignments have not been set in the target items as the user has been mapped to the corresponding target user with the Guest role in the User Mapping section before launching the migration. Target Guest users cannot be assigned to items in the Main and Private Boards in Monday.com.

Possible Solution:

1. Check the target users that have been mapped to the source users that need to be added as the Board members, owners and assigned to the items. If their Board membership and assignments should be preserved in the target Boards, consider creating non-guest user accounts for them (possibly without any license) or changing their user type to Member or Viewer in the target tenant. Alternatively, those users may be mapped to other non-guest target users in the User Mapping section.
2. Select to restart the migration in Project Migrator and correct the mapping for the users in question in the User Mapping section. In case the Board membership and assignments should not be preserved for those users in the target, the errors of that type may be ignored and there is no need to restart the migration.

Alternatively, the corresponding target users may be removed from the mapping, however, in that case the user Board membership and task assignments will not be preserved in all the migrated Boards. 

If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact our Support Team at support@fluentpro.com or via the live chat option.

Unable to set value "N" to Priority field/ Unable to set value "N" to Progress field

Warning: Unable to set value "N" to Priority field/ Unable to set value "N" to Progress field.

Cause: The warning indicates that the field value has not been set to the target task, and the default field value has been used in the target system. That case may occur if the field has a set of custom values in the target project, and those values have not been mapped with the corresponding source values using the Custom Lookup option. 

Possible solution: 

1. Check which values are added to the field in question in the target project. 

2. Select to restart the migration in Project Migrator.

3. In the Item Field Mapping section make sure that the target field is mapped with the corresponding source field, and that the advanced setting ‘Use Custom Lookup’ is enabled for that field if it has a few custom values (the field is of the dropdown or status type). 

4. In the Custom Lookup section select the necessary source field values from the dropdown to map them with the corresponding target field values. Please refer to the article How to perform item field mapping for more details. 

5. Proceed with restarting the migration.

If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact our Support Team at support@fluentpro.com or via the live chat option. 

Unable to add/assign user (user account): empty target user mapping

Warning: Unable to add user (user account): empty target user mapping.

Cause: The warning indicates that a user has not been added as a member to the target board since the source user has not been mapped to any target user in the User Mapping section before launching the migration.

Warning: Unable to assign user (user account): empty target user mapping

Cause: The warning indicates that user’s item assignments have not been set in the target tasks as the user has not been mapped to any target user in the User Mapping section before launching the migration.

Users themselves are not migrated from the source to the target system. Necessary users, that need to be added to the target workspaces and boards, should already exist in the target system. The source users should be mapped with the target users in the User Mapping section for the correct board membership and assignment migration.
Possible solution: 

1. Make sure that all necessary users that correspond to the source users already exist in the target system.

2. In Project Migrator select to restart the uncompleted migration on the Data Migration Summary page.

3. On the Restart Migration page check the User Mapping section. Correct the user mapping, matching all necessary source users with the corresponding target users. Please see How to perform user mapping article for more details.
 Also, the user mapping may be performed via an Excel file using the Export to/Import from Excel options.
In case the corresponding target user does not exist, and the source user’s group membership and assignments should not be retained in the target system, such warnings may be ignored. 

If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact our Support Team at support@fluentpro.com or via the live chat option.

Use (target Group Name) group

Warning: Use (target Group Name) group.

Cause: The warning indicates that the migrated items have been created in another group in the target Board as their parent group that corresponds to the source Bucket has not been found by name in the Board.

Possible solution:

Check if the necessary group that corresponds to the source Bucket has been created in the Board. Make sure that the source and target group names match, paying attention to special characters and spaces in the beginning or in the end of the name. Remove the items to the appropriate group in the target Board manually or remove the Board and remigrate it with Project Migrator. 


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