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Formula Examples

Plain and Domain functions

A static value
A plain constants calculation
[Enterprise Project Type Name]
Pick an entity field
Project: ' + [Project Name] + '; Description: ' + [Description]
Simple concatenation with field values
DSUM('[Cost]', 'Tasks', '[Critical]')
Summary cost of all critical tasks for current project
DAVG('[Cost]', 'Tasks', '[Outline Level]=2')
Average cost of tasks on second level of hierarchy for current project
DCOUNT('*', 'AllTasks', '[Milestone]')
Number of milestones for all projects
DMAX('[Cost]', 'AllTasks', '[Effort Driven]')
Most expensive effort-driven task's cost for all projects
DCOUNT('*', 'AllProjects', '[Project Departments]= ' + Quote([Project Departments]))
Number of projects in same department
DCOUNT('*', 'AllResources', 'not in ([Resource Type], 2,20)')
Number of non-budget work resources
DSUM('[Assignment Budget Cost]', 'AllAssignments', '[Enterprise Project ID]= ' + Quote([Enterprise Project ID]))
Summary budget cost of all current project assignments
DLOOKUP('[Project Name]', 'Project')
Gets project name to a task field

Generation functions

Generates an ID, starting with 1, step 1, no scope
NewId(10, 2)
Generates an ID, starting with 10, step 2, no scope
NewId(50, 5, [Enterprise Project Type Name])
Generates an ID, starting with 50, step 5, within current EPT (project formula field)
NewId(1, 1, [Enterprise Project ID])
Generates an ID, starting with 1, step 1, within current Project (task formula field)

General functions, conditional operators

Iif(IsNull([Phase Name]), 'Project', 'Workflow Project')
Simple project categorization
Iif( DCOUNT('*', 'Tasks', '[Outline Level]>0') > 0, DSUM('[Cost]', 'Tasks', '[Outline Level]>0') / DCOUNT('*', 'Tasks', [Outline Level]>0'), 0)
Average task cost
switch( DCOUNT('*', 'Tasks') < 10, 'Small', DCOUNT('*', 'Tasks') < 100, 'Average', DCOUNT('*', 'Tasks') >= 100, 'Large' ) Projects categorization based on schedule size
switch( DCOUNT('*', 'Tasks') < 10, 'Small', DCOUNT('*', 'Tasks') < 100, 'Average', DCOUNT('*', 'Tasks') >= 100, 'Large') + Iif(IsNull([Phase Name]), 'Project', 'Workflow Project')
Advanced projects categorization based on schedule size

External functions

WSSRisksQuery('COUNT(*)', '[Impact]>5')
Number of risks filtered by impact
WSSIssuesQuery('[Title]', ' ' , 'CreatedDate DESC')
Gets the most recent issue title
WSSDeliverablesQuery('[CreatedByResource]', '', 'CreatedDate DESC')
Gets the most recent deliverable author name
SpListQuery('Shared Documents', 'COUNT(*)')
Gets number of documents in the “Shared Documents” library
SpListQuery('My Documents', 'COUNT(*)', '[Approved]')
Gets number of “approved” documents in the “My Documents” library
SqlQuery( 'select count(*) from msp_epmresource_userview ', Provider=SQLOLEDB;server=ServerName;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=DatabaseName' ) Gets number of “approved” documents in the “My Documents” library
ParseJSON( WebServiceCall( 'http://weather.com', 'GET', HttpEncode('cityid', '34440'), 'text/json', FormatHeaders('referrer', 'http://mysite.com') ), 'Humidity') Calls external web service, passed request data, headers, receives and parses JSON response
ParseXML( WebServiceCall('http://currency.com'), '/rates/usd') Calls external web service, passed request data, headers, receives and parses XML response

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