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Custom user for calculation

To force FluentPro Formulas to use specific user account to read data from project server you need to configure the Secure Store Target Application to use proper credentials to access to the Project Server data. Please note you need to have permissions to do so.

To create a Target Application:

  1. Go to Central Administration → Application Management → Manage Service Applications - > Secure Store Service
  2. Click New button on the ribbon
  3. Type FluentPro.Formulas into the 'Target Application ID' field
  4. Type FluentPro Formulas into the 'Display Name' field
  5. Type a contact e-mail
  6. Select “Group” from the “Target Application Type” drop down list and click Next
  7. Leave all fields unchanged and click Next
  8. Type a Farm administrator account into the “Target Application Administrators” field
  9. Type the account name that runs “Microsoft Project Server Events Service” Windows service into “Members” field
  10. Click OK
  11. Select FluentPro.Formulas from the list and click “Set Credentials” from the drop down list
  12. Type a user name and password of a user who has PWA administrator rights to “Windows User Name” and “Windows Password” fields and click OK

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