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Updating or disabling status notifications

If you would like to change or disable Integration Hub notifications it would be needed to make the notifications link visible.
Navigate to Integration Hub –> Integration –> Scenarios. You will see the list of your active scenarios. Click the Show System button.

You will now see the links in the list. The 4 types of notifications are created by default:

  1. Transfer Failure Notification - is sent if the transfer finished with Failed status;
  2. Transfer Postponed Notification - is sent if the transfer was postponed. This happens if the job failed and re-try was scheduled for it after all consecutive jobs are finished;
  3. History Item Created Notification - is sent when a history item on integration is created. History items mark the messages sent to the target system - e.g. Creating issue or Applying task property updates. Also, they include error messages received from the target system - e.g. Unable to find a user on the target system with email […] or Project is checked out by user “…”. Force check-in is not enabled;
  4. Poll Source Job Failure Notification - is sent if the Poll Source job fails. This job performs a 'scan' of the source system on changes/updates and pulls the changed data for its later upload.

To edit the link please open a drop-down menu for some specific link and choose Edit

Updating Status Notification settings

Once you entered the Edit mode for some specific notification link, it is possible to update the following settings.

Recipient Email - type in the new email address or change the existing one if it was typed in incorrectly in this field. Click Done when you finish. 

Please note: Currently it is only allowed to specify one email in this field.

Name - in this field you can alter the notification link name to any convenient for you.

Description - in this field you can alter the notification link description to any convenient for you.

Linked Integration - with the default value this option controls on which exactly scenarios you will receive notifications. If you would like to receive notifications only for some specific scenario, please choose it from the drop-down.

Disable (Archived) - this selection allows to disable notifications for the current link.

Poll Source Every - in this field you can specify, how often you will receive a notification. 5 minutes is set by default. Enter the value convenient for you if needed. If you choose 0 (null) minutes notifications will be sent only on the manual trigger.

Disabling status notifications

If you would like to disable Status Notification, open the corresponding link for edit and in the opened page click the Advanced Edit button in the top left corner of the screen.

In the Advanced Edit mode scroll down to the bottom of the page and check the Disabled (Archived) check-box and click Save

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