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How to clear Integration Hub cache

In this article we will review how to clear the Integration hub cache. 

Please note: We do not recommend clearing the Integration Hub cache. Integration Hub cache can be cleared only for the specific cases when the integration stopped working or the scenario is no longer needed and you do not plan to use it again in the future. 

Integration Hub cache plays an important role in the integrations as the updates that are transferred from one system to another are compared to the Integration Hub cache first and then only new data is transferred to the target system. 

If you clear the cache and launch the integration again, duplicates will be created and it may mess the target system project. 

To clear Integration Hub cache perform the following:

1. Open Integration Hub and navigate to the scenario the cache of which you would like to clear the cache. 

2. Open the menu of the required scenario on the left and select the Data Cache option. 

3. Data section will be opened and the Cache tab will display information for the selected scenario. 

4. Click the Delete Cache option to delete the cache of the selected scenario. 

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