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Step 3. Running your first integration Project Online <> Jira

Please note: It is highly recommended to test your integration scenarios on the TEST Projects before you configure integrations for your real existing projects. If anything goes wrong, it will be easy to correct on the test projects, not on your real data. Also, you can then take into account any issues found while configuring integrations for your real projects.

Before we launch the synchronization, we need to prepare our projects for integration.

Let's open the Project Online project that you have selected for running a test integration (Software Development in our example). 

Open the PDP page of this project, the one where we have previously added Jira Project custom field. Select to Edit it and provide the Jira project name in the Jira Project field. 

Since Integration Hub cannot create new Jira projects on its own, we should consider an existing Jira project as a prerequisite.

Please note: If the names of your Project Online project and Jira project are exactly the same, you can skip this step. During data synchronization from the Project Online project and Jira project  Integration Hub finds the projects by name and synchronizes them.

If the project names are different, it is required to provide the project names in the Project Online project custom field and in Jira so that the Integration hub could synchronize the data within these projects.

Save the changes. 

Open the project schedule and set the Sync with Jira field to YES for all tasks you need to synchronize to Jira. Also, change the Jira Issue Type field to Task (or any other preferred Jira issue type).

Save the changes, publish the project and check it in

Now your integration scenario created previously is ready to launch.

Open the Integration Hub application on the scenarios page and use the search window to find the Jira <> Project Online scenario that we have configured. 

Navigate to the Sync Project Online tasks to Jira issues scenario, and click Run now to launch the synchronization. 

The synchronization process will be started. Allow a few minutes for the synchronization to be completed. 

Open Jira environment. Open the Project where the tasks were synchronized.

Project Online tasks marked for synchronization will be present here. 

As Jira doesn’t allow multiple assignments on one task, but we still need to transfer all the assignments from Project Online, multiple tasks within Jira will be created. Different issues with the same name will be created in this case, each one assigned to a different team member.

Now, as we have successfully moved the tasks from Project Online to Jira, let’s make some changes on Jira side and then perform the sync in the opposite direction.

The scenario supports the synchronization of the tasks - sub-tasks hierarchy. Lets's review an example that will synchronize the tasks and sub-tasks between Jira and Project Online. 

1. Open the issue where you need to make changes (create a sub-task as an example).

2. Click on the Create sub-task button. 

3. Enter the Sub-task name field, then click Create.

4. Set the Sync with Project Online field value to Yes for the sub-task. 

5. Open any of the issues, and choose the Work log option, add some work time spent on this issue.

6. Repeat the last step for other issues if required.

7. Create several new issues in Jira to test the integration for the newly created issues. Also, you can select the existing issues for integration. 

Change the Sync with Project Online field value to Yes for all the issues you want to transfer to Project Online. Optionally you can set the Yes value for this field as a default one. 

Please note: It may happen that by default the newly created Sync with Project Online custom field gets the None value and thus is not visible. To change this, click on Edit and change the Sync with Project Online field to Yes.

Transferring back to Project Online

1. On the Integration Hub page, navigate to Integration > Scenarios.  

2. Find the Sync Jira issues to Project Online tasks scenario, click on the down arrow button next to it and choose Run now.

3. After the transfer is completed, open the Test Project in Project Online configured for integration to see the results.

Please refer to this article for more details about the tasks - sub-tasks hierarchy synchronization. 

Congratulations! You have successfully configured and tested Project Online <> Jira integration scenario. You can launch the synchronizations on demand, when required. Also, if you have configured a scheduled synchronization it will be performed by schedule you have provided. 

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