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Important details for Project Online <> Planner (two-way multiple plans)

In this article we will review important details for Project Online <> Planner (multiple plans) data synchronization.

The following entities can be synchronized between Project Online and Planner:

Project Online
Task Name
Start Date
Start Date
Finish Date
Due Date
% Complete Progress

Please note: It is not possible to synchronize Planner tasks created before you set up data synchronization between a plan and a project. The only workaround here is to recreate Planner tasks.

Please note: Master Projects are not supported for integrations. 

Start/Due dates are not migrated for sub-tasks.

Please note: It is possible to synchronize data from the Notes Planner field to a custom field in Project Online that you create in advance or select during the scenario configuration (e.g. Notes from Planner field). 

Planner 'Notes' field from Planner is a multiline field. Project Online 'Notes from Planner' custom field is a single-line text field, with max 255 symbols. Please note that if there are more than 255 symbols in the 'Notes' field in Planner, then only the first 255 symbols will be transferred to Project Online (the rest will be lost). Thus, on the data synchronization back from Project Online to Planner, the Planner 'Notes' field will be overwritten only with these 255 symbols.
To synchronize data from the 'Notes from Planner' field to Planner 'Notes' field preserving the multi-lines, the lines should be provided in the following format in Project Online: Line 1 | Line 2 | Line 3 (two spaces before and after '|' symbol. Please note that if the lines in Planner 'Notes' are provided in this format: Line 1 | Line 2 | Line 3, then they will appear in Project Online in the same format. However, on the data synchronization back from Project Online to Planner, they will become muli-lines. If you need to preserve the text with a slash in one line after the synchronization in both directions, then type in the text with slashes, bit without the spaces, e.g. Line 1|Line 2|Line 3.

Please note: If the "Only allow task updates via Tasks and Timesheets" option is activated in Project Online, the integration will not work. If you are using the Integration Hub to synchronize Actual hours from Planner to Project Online, you will need to switch off the "Only allow task updates via Tasks and Timesheets" option before the integration and switch it back on manually after the integration is completed.

Task progress migration

The scenario gives you a great possibility to work on your tasks, update the progress of your tasks in Planner and easily transfer status completion to Project Online and vice-versa

Task progress is synchronized from Planner to Project Online in the following way: 

  • “Not started” is synchronized as 0% to the "%Complete" field;
  • “In progress” is synchronized as 50% to the "%Complete" field;
  • “Completed” is synchronized as 100% to the "%Complete" field.

Please note: "Actual work" and "Remaining work" fields in the Project Online project will be automatically recalculated by Project Online after data synchronization according to the new value set for the "%Complete" field.

Multi assignments

This scenario supports tasks with multiple assignments.

Assignments are matched by email so the emails in Planner and Project Online should be identical for successful synchronization of the assignments. For successful migration of the assignments, the resource with the correct email should exist on the PWA. If the resource exists on the PWA it will be added to the project team automatically and will be assigned to task during task synchronization. 

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