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Managing Widget Editor Templates

Widget Editor provides a possibility to use custom data source templates besides the pre-installed ones.

In order to add a new template:

  1. Open PWA where EPM Pulse is installed.
  2. Open Site Actions → View All Site Content (for Project Server 2010) or Gear → Site Content (for Project Server 2013).
  3. Open EPMPulse Data Source Template Definitions list .
  4. Create a new item in the list with the following information: 
Title Name of the data source template. Template will be listed under this name in the Data Source list on the Fields tab.
Dashboard Type Dashboard type that the template will be available for. Possible values: Project, Portfolio, Projects, Resource, ResourcePool, Resources, All.
Data Connection Name of the data connection. Can be a built-in connection (like Reporting) or a custom connection.
Template SQL SQL query that returns a single data set. Query should use the {{select}} tag in the select statement that will be replaced by Widget Editor with field names and the {{conditions}}tag that will be replaced with filtering conditions. The minimal query may look like
select {{select}} from MSP_EPMProject_UserView {{conditions}}
Template Conditions JSON array that describes default filter conditions for the template. For example,

If the template does not require any default conditions, then set the field to:


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