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All trending widgets are provided with additional filters to make data analysis more granular and flexible.

Common Filters

All trending widgets are provided with a Timeline filter, so that you can filter out data with dashboard Timeline. However, this filter can be disabled by turning off the Use Timeline Dates option in the widget parameters. In case the option is disabled, widget will display all data available in the trending database.

Project Filters

Trending widgets that display project data are provided with an additional Project Filter that is similar to dashboard-level Project Filter.

Resource Filters

Trending widgets that display resource data are provided with an additional Resource Filter that is similar to dashboard-level Resource Filter.

Task Filters

Trending widgets that display task data are provided with the following additional filters:

Filter Description
Summary or Regular Tasks Filter to filter out a summary or non-summary tasks
Milestones or Tasks
Filter to filter out milestones or regular tasks
Active or Not
Filter to filter out active or inactive tasks

Extra filters

Task, Issues, Risk, and Deliverable widgets are provided with Extra Filters which allow to filter out entities based on any of their fields. Filter consists of 3 parameters:

  • Entity Field (Task Field, Issue Field, etc.) - to specify the field to filter on.
  • Condition - to specify the filtering condition.
  • Value - to specify the value to test entity field against.

Each widget is provided with 2 Extra Filters. The relation between these filters is determined with the Next Filter Condition parameter.

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