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Ad Hoc Metric by Time Settings

Set up widget settings for Ad Hoc Metric by Time Widget

All Ad Hoc Metric by Time widgets have the same set of widget settings. 

1. Click on the widget to activate the widget menu and click the button to open widget settings. 

Please note: Ad hoc table widget settings are presented on 2 tabs, such as Title and Misc. These settings allow configuring the view of the widget.

2. On the Title tab define the Title parameters:
a) Check the Show Title checkbox if you want to see the title in the widget.
b) In the Widget Title section enter the name of the widget.
c) In the Color section select the color of the title.
d) In the Font Size section choose the size of the title. 

3. On the Misc tab define the view of the borders in the widget.

a) Check the Show Borders checkbox if you need the borders of the widget to be displayed. 

Click the Apply button to apply the changes to the widget. 

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