In this article, we will review how to select specific Projects using the 'Ctrl + C/V' option when migrating data to Project for the web. In case you need to migrate only particular Projects from the list where the number of projects is too significant to search for each one separately, you can use this option.
To select a number of Projects from the list using Ctrl+C/V option, you need to have a list of the project names in the Excel file.
You can copy the project names from the Project Migrator window to the Excel file and then select the required projects in the Excel file using Excel tools and apply this selection back to Project Migrator.
For this, perform the following:
1. Open the Project Migrator and select the necessary migration scenario.
2. After you connect to the source and target systems, click Selected under the 'Step 2: Select Source Data' section. The Available Projects window will be opened.
3. Make sure the Available Projects window is in focus; click inside the window to activate it.
Click Ctrl+C to copy all projects.
4. Open a blank Excel file and click the Ctrl+V combination to paste these project names to the Excel file.
Please note the following:
- The Project ID is needed for copy/paste operation instead of the Project name (as the Project name is not unique).
- When pasting into Excel, you must format the first column (Project ID) as "Text"; otherwise, the insertion back to Project Migrator will not work properly. Right-click on the cell -> Format cells -> Number tab -> Category -> Select Text -> Click Ok.
When you create a list of the required projects in the Excel file (deleting the unnecessary projects and selecting only the ones you need to migrate right now), copy the IDs of the needed projects from the Excel file using the Ctrl+C combination.
5. Open the Project Migrator Available Projects window again, make sure the Available Projects window is in focus (click inside the window to activate it), and click the Ctrl+V combination to apply the selection. The required projects will be selected at once.
Click Add Selected to save this selection for migration and proceed to the next steps.