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How to create API token for Monday

In this article we will review how users with different roles can create API token in Monday.com. 

Personal API token is used for connection to Monday.com environment. Boards will be available for migration depending on the account permissions in Monday.com:

  • All Boards of the Main type from all Workspaces, even if the connection account is not added as a member to the Board and Workspace;
  • All Sharable and Private Boards where the connection account is an Owner or added as a member.

Account with the Admin role is not required. API tokens of the following accounts can be used for connection: 

1. Admin account (not required)

API Token can be generated and copied on the Admin page: Click on the Account icon, select Admin, open API page. Click on the ‘Generate’ button to create a personal API Token for your account and then copy it. 

2. Activated user account with Member role

Only users with Admin permissions have Admin settings and can generate API token there. Users without Admin permissions can generate and copy personal access token for migration in Account -> Developers menu -> Developer drop-down menu -> My Access Tokens.

On the My Tokens page click on the ‘Show’ button and then the ‘Copy’ token.

API Token of an account with Viewer (read-only) role cannot be used, the error message “Unable to complete request https://api.monday.com/v2/: 403 Forbidden” will be displayed on the attempt to connect with API Token created by a user with Viewer role.

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