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Best practices for all migration scenarios

In this article we have gathered the best practices and recommendations for all migration scenarios. 

Before proceeding with your migration launch, please consider the below:

1. Carefully review the connection account requirements. 

The connection account requirements differ for the supported systems. Please check the detailed information in the "Connection Account Requirements" article and make sure all prerequisites are met for the accounts you are using for migration. The lack of certain requirements for the account you use for migration can result into data loss or migration failure.

2. Carefully plan and perform the Object mapping. 

In each migration scenario, you get to the step where you set up object mapping and define how groups are created, perform task and project field mapping. This step requires careful planning. Make sure you understand and can visualize the results of your mapping. Make sure the field types correspond and there is no ambiguity. 

We provide the detailed object mapping description in the "Migration steps" articles for each separate scenario.  

3. Study the notes and limitations of your migration scenario. 

Each migration scenario has "Notes and Limitations" articles in our knowledgebase, please study them carefully. The issue you think you see as a result of the migration might be a limitation, and Project Migrator might not support the migration of a certain piece of data. 

4. Always do dry-run (test) migrations. 

Before you launch the migration of the first batch of Projects/Plans/Sheets/Board or all projects at once, take one or two projects from the source and do the test migration. 

In the test migration, carefully perform the object and resource mapping and migrate several Projects. Then, study the results. Eliminate any issues, and afterwards proceed to migrate the complete batch. 

5. Split Projects/Plans/Sheets/Boards into batches.

If you plan to migrate a large number of Projects/Plans/Sheets/Boards, consider splitting them into smaller batches. This makes the migration process much more controllable and easier to troubleshoot in case of any issues.

You can split the list of Projects into batches by their type, state, % of completion, or owner, for example. 

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