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Downloading Backups contents in FluentBooks format

G.A. Suite allows downloading Backups contents to import them into Fluentpro FluentBooks. This can be done on the Backup Summary page:

1. Log in to G.A. Suite and click Operation Details.

2. Choose the Backup in the Backups list and click on it. The Backup Summary page will be opened

3. The Content section of the Backup Summary page includes four elements: PWA Configuration, Projects Plans, SharePoint Sites, and Timesheets. The list of these elements can be opened by clicking on the arrow button next to each element. 

It also indicates if the current Backup includes any data for each of these.

5. Use the ellipsis button next to the projects section to download projects as .fpp files. 

Also, a down arrow is displayed next to the sections that have data. Click on it to show its content and then on the Download icon to download the file. The downloaded files will have a format compatible with FluentBooks (either *.FPP for Project Plans or *.fbwx2 for all other data types).

It is also possible to open the content details by clicking on the arrow on the right and downloading data from the opened window. 

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