Before we start the archiving process it is required to define the Projects to be archived.
The best approach is to create a Project center view: ‘Projects for Archiving’ or 'Ready for Archiving'.
We highly recommend creating such view because when you get to moving your projects and sites to the PWA provisioned for archiving purposes, you won't need to remember the project names, look for and manually select the projects ready for archiving. You can just create a view in advance, mark the projects ready for archiving on your PWA (can be done by Project Online users when needed) and create a scheduled profile for the projects using this view in G.A. Suite. G.A. Suite will automatically detect the project ready for archiving using the created view and will automatically move the required projects to the archive PWA.
To create a project center view perform the following:
1. Create an Enterprise Custom Field ‘Ready for Archiving’. Project Level. Type – Flag.

2. Add this custom field to the required Project Detail page so your Project Managers can easily set if the projects are ready for archiving.

3. Set the value to ‘Yes’ for all closed Projects that need to be moved to the archive PWA. (If you have FluentBooks, you can do that with ‘Projects Bulk Edit’ wizard).

In the future upon closing the Project in Production, Project Managers should change the value in the field to ‘Yes’.
4. Create a Project Center View e.g. ‘Ready for Archiving’, where the filter is set to ‘Field Name=Ready for Archiving’ equals ‘Value=Yes’.

Now you can use this view to quickly see the projects ready for archiving and to create a scheduled profile in G.A. Suite (we will further review how to create it) to automatically move these projects to the archived PWA.