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FluentBooks hangs when “Download Projects to FPP files” or “Upload Projects from FPP files” wizard is running


When you download project data from PWA into FPP files or uploading this data from FPP files to PWA, it takes unreasonably long for the “Download Projects to FPP files”/“Upload Projects from FPP files” wizard to complete the operation. When inspecting the log file, you may see, for example, that it took several hours to execute the “Calculate Project” operation:

[2015-11-17 22:17:34,788] INFO Calculate Project [ROOT]
[2015-11-18 07:22:55,005] INFO Publish Project [ROOT]


FluentBooks clicks necessary options in dialog/warning windows produced by Project Professional, when downloading or uploading projects data, and if Windows session becomes inactive for any reason, FluentBooks will fail to interact with Project Professional, which will result in “Download Projects to FPP files”/“Upload Projects from FPP files” wizard getting paused and waiting for the Windows session to become active again. If FluentBooks is running in a remote session, and the Remote Desktop Connection window was minimized, then the wizard will get paused as well in this case and will wait for the Remote Desktop Connection window to become maximized again. 


Windows session is required to be active at all times when the “Download Projects to FPP files”/“Upload Projects from FPP files” wizard is running. 


If FluentBooks is running in a remote session, and there is a need to log off or shut down the machine where the remote session was launched, there is a workaround for this case. For example, there is a computer, virtual machine #1, and virtual machine #2. FluentBooks was launched on virtual machine #1 using a remote session from the computer. If shut the computer down, the remote session will become inactive and FluentBooks will get paused. To keep FluentBooks running perform the following:

  1. Create a remote session from the computer to virtual machine #2.
  2. On virtual machine #2 create a remote session to virtual machine #1.
  3. Without minimizing any of the Remote Desktop Connection windows, shut down the computer.

FluentBooks will keep running and will be still able to interact with Project Professional.

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