When testing connection between FluentBooks and Project Online with “Office 365” authentication type selected, you may encounter the “Authentication cookies test failed” error.
The “Authentication cookies test failed” error may occur in different wizards in which FluentBooks connects to Project Online, this article describes the solution to the issue on the example of ‘Download(Import) SharePoint Sites’ wizard.

Authentication cookies test is failed due to Project Online connection issue.
If this error occurred, in order to continue working with the wizard you should click OK in the error message to close it, then select “Custom (Browser)” in the Authentication dropdown and click Test Connection button.

Browser window will appear with the Office 365 login page, enter your login credentials and click Sign In.

1. If the server error occurred, click ‘Backspace’ key (which equals to ‘Back’ browser option)

2. Click F5 to refresh the page

3. Confirm re-sending the information by clicking ‘Retry’ button

4. Re-enter your login credentials and click Sign In.
5. After successful login close the browser window. This action is required because this browser window is preventing FluentBooks from proceeding with the import/export.

6. Connection between FluentBooks and Project Online will succeed this time.

7. Click ‘OK’ in the message window to close it. After the connection issue is solved it will be possible to continue working with the wizard.