When uploading Configuration to a target PWA using Upload Configuration to PWA wizard, the following error occurs in FluentBooks log file:
(Exception) Exception: <errinfo xmlns=""><dataset name="ResourceDataSet"><table name="Resources"><row RES_UID="28dff69b-29f7-e711-80da-00155de4a314"><error id="2011" name="ResourceUIDInvalid" uid="20fe769d-2a11-e811-80da-00155decc30a"></error></row></table></dataset></errinfo>

Project Online does not allow to create of an entity with a UID that is used or was previously used in PWA. Existing and old UIDs are stored in the PWA database. Therefore, if the same UID is used for another recourse in a target PWA due to some reason or such a UID was used for a resource that was removed from the PWA, it will not be possible to migrate resource with such a UID.
Please use Upload Configuration to PWA wizard to migrate necessary recourse(s). On the 5th step of the Upload Configuration to PWA wizard, please check the 'Force Recourse creation with new UID' checkbox. In this case, new UID(s) will be generated for the resource(s).