While uploading projects using Download configuration to PWA / Upload configuration to PWA wizards, the following error occurs:
(Exception) Exception: <errinfo xmlns=""><dataset name="ResourceDataSet"><table name="Resources"><row RES_UID="b90b0317-681b-4fae-959b-4dd544436ef8"><error id="11713" name="CustomFieldRequiredValueNotProvided" uid="40453331-33c2-e611-80d7-00155dfc6800" mdpropuid="81dc63ed-ed64-4433-b34a-c29ba4c54882"></error><error id="11713" name="CustomFieldRequiredValueNotProvided" uid="41453331-33c2-e611-80d7-00155dfc6800" mdpropuid="f8a82130-88f7-4301-b472-e9caacb19d97"></error></row></table></dataset></errinfo>

The error from the FluentBooks log file indicates that there are some required Custom Fields of Resource type for which the value was not provided - <errinfo ... name="CustomFieldRequiredValueNotProvided">. Due to this reason, FluentBooks is unable to update the Resources.
To check what exactly Custom Filed causes the error, please perform the following:
1. Navigate to your target PWA --> PWA Settings --> Enterprise Custom Fields and Lookup Tables.
2. Click on any available Custom Field name.
3. On the Custom Field details page, please click on the address bar, so that the whole address gets selected. It should look like the following link -
4. Now you can copy the error causing field GUID from the FluentBooks log file ("41453331-33c2-e611-80d7-00155dfc6800" - in this case), and paste it into the address bar, substituting the GUID available in the current address bar.
5. After you click 'Enter', the details page for the error causing Custom Field will be opened.

To resolve the issue, please either make these Custom Fields not required or provide values in the necessary Custom Field for your Resources in the source PWA.