1) Run Export SharePoint Sites wizard. Input destination PWA URL and credentials. Click Next.
Please note: User account that is used by FluentBooks when migrating SharePoint content should have Site Collection Administrator rights. If the user account does not have Site Collection Administrator rights, then FluentBooks will not be able to create a new Site. The existing Site might be updated successfully, but it is strongly recommended to use a user account with Site Collection Administrator rights to avoid unexpected issues.

2) Select the SharePoint content for upload and click Next.

3) Review the target URL for the Project Site(s). Correct the URL by clicking on it if necessary. Make sure that the Site Template is correct. Change the template by clicking it if necessary. Click Next.
Please note: The template of the existent SharePoint site can be changed neither by FluentBooks nor from the UI in the browser.

4) Wait until all the SharePoint content is uploaded and click Finish.