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Review the data imported from the source Excel file into FluentBooks Workspace

All the data imported from the source Excel file is added to the FluentBooks Workspace:

1) Select the Resources section in the workspace to review Resources.

To add more resource fields to the view select the ‘Modify View’ option from the right-click context menu, select the necessary fields checking their checkboxes and click OK. 

2) Select the Lookups section in the workspace to review Lookups. A new lookup value added to the source Excel file should now appear on the workspace. 

3) Select the Projects section in the workspace to review Projects.

To add more project fields to the view select the ‘Modify View’ option from the right-click context menu, select the necessary fields checking their checkboxes and click OK. 

4) Click on the tasks link in the bottom-right corner of the window to review Project Tasks:

5) Select the Sites section in the workspace to review Project Sites:

6) Select Items option from the right-click context menu to review Project Artifacts: Issues, Risks, Deliverables and Custom Lists (Notes):

7) To review the Import Log select the Log option from the File menu:

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