For the correct migration of Project Sites where the site name differs from the project name, Project Site should be created by FluentBooks 'Upload SharePoint Sites' wizard, rather than by Project Online on first publishing.
Please note: Site Creation settings differ in Project Online and Project Server On-Premise instances. This article is devoted to specifically Project Online. For Project Server, On-Premise instances Site Creation settings should be updated as the first step of data upload. For detailed instructions, please refer to the following article - Update Project Site Creation Settings on the target PWA (for Project Server On-Premise)
Therefore, before uploading Project Server data and Projects to the target PWA, make sure that Project Site Creation settings are set to “Allow users to choose”.
In this case, Project Sites will be created by FluentBooks Export SharePoint Sites wizard. While uploading them to the target PWA, these Project Sites will be connected to the corresponding projects.
In Project Online site creation is controlled by Enterprise Project Type (EPT) settings. Please follow these steps to update them:
1. Open PWA Settings and choose Enterprise Project Types (EPT)

2. Open each of the EPT and either verify or set the Site Creation value to 'Allow Users to choose':

After that, you can proceed to Upload PWA Projects and Project Plan Templates using the ‘Upload Projects from FPP files’ wizard.
The Site Creation settings in EPTs can be reverted back to original after the migration is complete:
- Use the Upload configuration to PWA wizard and upload specific Enterprise Project Types to the target PWA again. FluentBooks will overwrite your changes with those from the source PWA.
- Alternatively, if the number of EPTs is not large settings can be reverted manually.