In this article, we will review how to synchronize the Enterprise Resource Profile Information from Active Directory or the User Profile Service on a scheduled basis with Project Server Enterprise Resource using the Command Line Interface.
To use Command Line Interface perform the following:
1. Create and save a .csv mapping file with two columns:
Column A: field names from Active Directory (e.g. phone number from AD);
Column B: resource custom field names from the PWA where the information from AD fields will be mapped.
This is an example of the .csv file created with the field names for mapping:
Please note: Only text and number fields are supported for mapping.
2. Open the CMD file and paste the following command line:
FluentPro.FluentBooks2013.exe -syncResources url="http://sharepoint2019/PWA" mapping="c:\temp\1.csv" -close_app
Please note: The command line should contain a full path to the FluentBooks app as well as your PWA URL, login, and password. Also, the command line should contain a path to the .csv mapping file and its name.
This is an example of the final command line:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\FluentPro Software\FluentPro FluentBooks 5.1\FluentPro.FluentBooks2013.exe" -syncResources url="http://sharepoint2019/PWA" login="domain\username" password="password" mapping="C:\Desktop\FluentPro FluentBooks files\ 1.csv" -close_app
Please note: If you do not provide Login and Password in the command line, your Windows account will be used to log in to FluentBooks and PWA and complete the operation.
Please note: Active Directory users are read under an account that started FluentBooks.exe. This account should have permission to read Active Directory users.
Also, if you need to update only Active Users that have the last modified date not more than a certain period (number of hours), this can be done with the following command line, changing the URL and the XX in the modifiedSinceHours=XX to the number of hours as required:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\FluentPro Software\FluentPro FluentBooks 5.1\FluentPro.FluentBooks2013.exe" -syncResources modifiedSinceHours=XX url="http://sharepoint/PWA" mapping="1.csv" -close_app