Widget is an element that displays reporting data on a dashboard using one of the predefined visualization types. Set of widgets on a dashboard is managed by a user. Users are able to make widget adjustments like changing position, size and appearance.
Managing Dashboard Widgets
Adding Widgets to Dashboard
To add a widget to a dashboard:
1. Open a dashboard in edit mode
2. Click the button.
3. In the pop-up window click on a widget to select it. Once selected, widget will be marked with a tick and added to the right pane.
4.If the widget was selected by mistake, click on the red cross by its name in the right pane to deselect it.
5. Once all required widgets are selected, click the Apply button at the bottom left of the pop-up window.
Removing Widgets from Dashboard
To remove a widget from a dashboard:
- Open a dashboard in edit mode.
- Click on a widget.
- Click the X button.
- Click Yes in the pop-up window to confirm the removal.
Moving and Resizing Widgets
To change the position of a widget on a dashboard:
- Open a dashboard in edit mode.
- Click on a widget and drag it to a new position.
To change widget size:
- Open a dashboard in edit mode.
- Click on a widget border and then drag the border to resize.
Cloning Widgets
To create a copy of a widget along with all the changes made in its Settings and Parameters, click the cloning button.
Widget Adjustments
Widgets may have additional Properties that can be changed by a user. These properties are available for editing only if a dashboard is in edit mode. The two kinds of wizard properties are called Settings and Parameters. To access them perform the following:
- Open a dashboard in edit mode.
- Click on a widget.
- Click the
button for Settings or
button for Parameters.
Widget settings allow to change widget's look and feel by changing its title, font size, font color, layout, etc.
Parameters allow to change, filter or transform data displayed in a widget.
Saving Widget
To save a pre-configured widget:
1. Open the dashboard in edit mode.
2. Click the save button.
3. In the opened window define the Title for the new widget, change the description if needed and choose the Category to which it will be saved.
Please note: Widget can only be saved to the same dashboard type. E.g. If you have configured a Tasks by Status widget in the Portfolio tab, you cannot save it to any other tab - Project, Resource Pool etc.
Please note: This feature at the time is only available for EPM Pulse for Project Online. Also, it is only available for users with Admin role in EPM Pulse.