On Resources Upload using 'Upload configuration to PWA' Wizard, you may get the following error in a log file and on the Summary screen:
ERROR User account "........" is not found on target environment

On Resources Upload with checked 'Create Resources as users if logon specified' option on Step 5 in the 'Upload PWA Configuration' Wizard, FluentBooks attempts to find the required user account on the target PWA. If the account is missing, the error occurs.
Please note: The error does not affect the resource upload. The outcome would be a pure resource created in PWA, i.e. not associated with a user account.
1. To find the required user account on the target PWA you need to perform proper account mapping. Otherwise, if you are performing migration of data from On-Premise PWA to Online PWA or from one Online PWA to another one, which is located on different tenants, FluentBooks will fail to find a correct account.
You can find details on how to perform Account Mapping in the article 'Upload Configuration to PWA' (Step 4 - Account Mapping).
2. Please, make sure that the required accounts were created in the Active Directory of the target tenant/farm. Since FluentBooks can connect a resource with an account, only if this account has been already created.
3. If you do not need to connect resources with accounts, you can uncheck the 'Create Resources as users if logon specified' option on Step 5 in the 'Upload PWA Configuration' Wizard.